Are you a plant specialist interested in boosting genomic resources for the European flora? ERGA will host a satellite meeting during this year's International Botanical Congress on July 21 - 27 in Madrid, Spain. Join us - in presence or online - to learn more about ERGA, meet other members and network with researchers with similar interests.

More details:
ERGA plant specialist meeting
🕒 Wednesday July 24th, 15:00 - 18.00
📍 Room N107+8
The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) is a continental-scale initiative under the umbrella of the Earth Biogenome Project (EBP), bringing together researchers across all taxonomic groups and experts on all stages of reference genome generation, for the common aim of producing high-quality reference genomes for all eukaryotic species inhabiting Europe. This meeting shall be an in-person get-together for all plant scientists within ERGA, with the possibility of virtual participation for those who could not make it to the IBC. We particularly welcome plant scientists of all career stages who are not yet members, but interested in learning more about ERGA and in joining our initiative.
1) Short introduction to ERGA + ways to participate
2) Ongoing ERGA plant community projects
3) Ideas and plans
Please reach out to Katja Reichel ( if you would like to support the organization of this meeting, give a short account about your participation in ERGA, co-chair part of the event, or add more ideas to the agenda..
I'll be there :)