At this month's ERGA Plenary meeting, taking place on Monday, February 17 at 15:00 CET, Giulio Formenti will explore the growing relevance of pangenome graphs in advancing biodiversity genomics research. More details can be found below.

Pangenome graphs and their applications in biodiversity genomics
Complete datasets of genetic variants are key to biodiversity genomic studies. Long-read sequencing technologies allow the routine assembly of highly contiguous, haplotype-resolved reference genomes. However, even when complete, reference genomes from a single individual may bias downstream analyses and fail to adequately represent genetic diversity within a population or species. Pangenome graphs assembled from aligned collections of high-quality genomes can overcome representation bias by integrating sequence information from multiple genomes from the same population, species or genus into a single reference. Here, drawing from our experience with both human and non-human pangenomes, I will review the available tools and data structures to build, visualize and manipulate pangenome graphs while providing practical examples and discussing their applications in biodiversity and conservation genomics across the tree of life.
Speaker's Bio
Giulio Formenti
Research Assistant Professor, co-Director, and Bioinformatics Lead of the Vertebrate Genome and Jarvis Labs at The Rockefeller University (NY, USA). Extensive experience in human and non-human genetics and genomics. Active member and leadership roles of several international consortia with a focus on genomics. Significant mentoring and teaching experience acquired over multiple years in European and US universities. Advisory and leadership skills acquired while serving in various university academic boards. Actively engaged in science outreach, including organization of conferences and meetings with national and international collaborators.
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