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TKT - Training and Knowledge Transfer

TKT - Training and Knowledge Transfer

The Training and Knowledge Transfer (TKT) committee aims to support the design and implementation of learning and skill-sharing activities in the field of biodiversity genomics research. Our committee actively engages with all ERGA committees to collect, promote, and develop training materials, including webinars, workshops and activities, and make them available to the ERGA community. We work with the ERGA community to connect experts interested with members wishing to learn new skills and improve their knowledge of the chain of steps required for reference genome generation. We also connect and support members to collaboratively develop funding proposals for financing TKT-related activities, and we coordinate the programme for the monthly ERGA Plenary meetings.

V.1.0 02.05.2023


Alice Mouton


Christian de Guttry

Steering Committee

Lino Ometto

Nadège Guiglielmon

Robert Waterhouse

Spiros Papakostas

Jean-François Flot

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