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ERGA BioGenome Analysis and Applications Seminars

The ERGA BioGenome Analysis and Applications Seminars represent a joint endeavor of the ERGA Data Analysis Committee (DAC) and the Biodiversity Genomics Europe Work Package 11 - Genome Applications. The purpose of this seminar series is to promote knowledge exchange on state-of-the-art genomic analyses and applications and to create a space for connection and analysis-oriented discussion for ERGA members and the broader genomics research community. These seminars provide opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions that explore emerging scientific trends, providing a platform for cutting-edge research, novel ideas, and insightful discussions.

The series will promote an exciting agenda of talks and hands-on sessions on phylogenomics, comparative genomics, population genomics, and functional genomics.

All seminars will be broadcast on the ERGA YouTube channel.

Watch previous sessions:

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