This month's session of the ERGA BioGenome Analysis & Applications Seminars will focus on comparative genomics, with a talk by Toni Gabaldón. Don't miss it!
🕚 Monday, April 29th 2024 - 12:00 CEST.
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Got a genome? get a phylome!: orthology and paralogy detection and the phylomeDB approach to newly-sequenced genomes
Comparing the newly-sequenced genome of our species of interest with available ones can help us understanding the origin and evolution of traits of interest. A first necessary step is the determination of orthology (and paralogy) relationships across genes, for which a plethora of methods exists. The phylome approach ( builds a gene phylogeny for every single gene encoded in your genome of interest across a set of compared species. This phylome is further processed to predict orthologs and paralogs, detect and date gene duplication events, infer past events of inter-species hybridization and horizontal gene transfer, as well as to uncover footprints of selection, introgression, gene conversion, or other relevant evolutionary processes. Here, I will describe this approach and showcase the PhylomeDB’s ERGA community support initiative.
Toni Gabaldón
Toni Gabaldón is ICREA Research Professor jointly affiliated to the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), where he leads the Comparative Genomics group ( His research focuses on understanding the complex relationships between genome sequences and phenotypes and how these two features evolve within and across species.